Sunday, November 11, 2012

Penned in St. Louis features Chronicle of the Mound Builders

Penned in St. Louis, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's column for local authors, featured my mystery novel, Chronicle of the Mound Builders.

Here is an excerpt:
Ellen Meyer visited an archaeological dig in Chesterfield in 2009, kindling her interest in the Native American mound building society that disappeared hundreds of years ago. Meyer, 57, and her husband, Doug, live in Chesterfield. She answered questions by email about her first novel, Chronicle of the Mound Builders, which she self-published as Elle Marie...
Check out the full article to read my interview with Jane Henderson.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Penned in St. Louis features Chronicle of the Mound Builders

Penned in St. Louis, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's column for local authors, featured my mystery novel, Chronicle of the Mound Builders.

Here is an excerpt:
What about the mound builders do you find fascinating? They were very advanced in many ways — they had sophisticated agriculture methods, extensive trading networks, knowledge of astronomy, and a stable governmental system, yet had no written language. To me, it’s fascinating how advanced their society must have been but how little we really know about it.
Check out the full article to read my interview with Jane Henderson.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Living the Thin Life Book Tour

Living the Thin Life is on tour with Enchanted Book Promotions:

November 7th: Starter Day Party
@ I Heart Reading

November 8th: Book Review
@ Bookaholic Ramblings

November 9th: Book Review and Book Excerpt
@ Forever Book Lover

November 10th: Guest Post
@ Cassidy Crimson’s Blog

November 11th: Book Review and Giveaway
@ I Heart Reading

November 12th: Book Review and Book Excerpt
@ The Single Librarian

November 13th: Author Interview
@ Majanka's Blog

Be sure to stop by each site and check out the reviews!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Guest Speaker at TOPS

What fun! I was a guest speaker at a TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) chapter meeting this week. Drawing from my personal experience, and tips from Living the Thin Life, I discussed how to create your personal weight maintenance plan to live the thin life!

Thanks for having me, ladies! Hope you found my tips helpful!