Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Author Interview for Chronicle of the Mound Builders

I often get asked by my readers what inspired me to write my adventure novel, Chronicle of the Mound Builders. So here's an "interview" with some of my most frequently asked questions:

Q. What gave you the idea to write a book about the mystery of the Mississippians' disappearance?
A. The original idea came from a newspaper article about an archaeological dig in my hometown of Chesterfield. Evidence of the long-lost civilization of the Mound Builders was found there, which piqued my curiosity.

Q. How much of the story is true?
A. I've tried to provide accurate information about the culture and lifestyles of both the Aztecs and the Mound Builders through careful research. The Chesterfield Valley dig site, known as the Dampier Dig, is real, but many of the artifacts described in the book are invented. Although numerous ancient Native American settlements have been unearthed in Chesterfield, the Chesterfield Indian Affairs department is fictional.

Q. How did you learn about archaeology?
A. Dr. Meredith Hawkins of Archaeological Research Center of St. Louis graciously showed me around the Dampier Dig site and provided basic instruction on archaeology.

Q. What genre is Chronicle?
A. It's hard to categorize. I'd say it's mostly adventure, but there are elements of mystery and romance, as well as historical fiction.

Q. How did you develop the premise?
A. My husband Doug, to whom I dedicated the book, brainstormed ideas and plotlines with me. My daughter Vicki also had great suggestions. Our combined creativity resulted in the basic outline. We had a great time doing it, too!

Q. Does this book target women readers specifically?
A. Absolutely not. I hope it will appeal to anyone who enjoys a good story with a few surprises.

Q. What was the writing process like?
A. Writing is a part-time hobby for me, so I tried to fit it in on weekends and evenings. It took about 6 months to develop a workable outline, and another 2 years to complete the writing.

Q. Who was your editor?
A. Vicki Lesage edited Chronicle of the Mound Builders. It has been a real pleasure to work with her. She also edited my first book, Living the Thin Life, written under the pen name Elle Meyer.

Q. Where is Chronicle available?
A. You can order it online through Amazon. It is also available as an ebook for Kindle through Amazon or through the Kindle app on the iPad.

Q. What 4 words would you use to describe your book?
A. Exciting, mystery, adventure, fun!

Q. What are some of your favorite books?
A. I love all the Dan Brown books, especially the Da Vinci Code, the Hunger Games trilogy, Aztec by Gary Jennings, Game of Thrones, Fall of Giants, and many more. I love to read.

Q. Will Angela Hunter, your main character, go on any more archaeological adventures?
A. Time willing! I have 2 more books in the works in the Hunter Archaeology series, which will also be adventure novels.

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