Curious about Chronicle of the Mound Builders? Here are a few excerpts...
From Chapter 13
...Troy returned to his spot and knelt on the damp earth, unconcerned about the mud caking on his knees. He whistled tunelessly to himself as he filled the bucket again and again.
He dug his spade into the ground. This time it hit something solid.
What's this? he thought, his heart beating a little faster. Carefully digging around the area, he uncovered the jagged edge of a hard object.
"Hey, guys!" he called excitedly. "I think I hit the jackpot!"
Carl and Nancy rushed over to see what Troy had uncovered. They watched as he patiently removed the soil around the object, gradually revealing it.
From Chapter 2
...Chipahua waited until the hall emptied, then made his way to the city center where all the temples stood. He entered the Temple of Quetzalcóatl. Ichtaca's words troubled him. It was not the first time they had exchanged angry words. I know the gods require human blood. It is necessary to bring balance to the world. I just do not believe they need the blood of people forced to die before their time.
Inside the temple, Chipahua stood before the statue of Quetzalcóatl, the feathered serpent god. He reached in the folds of his tilma for a small ball of twisted grass. From it protruded several spines from a maguey plant. He withdrew one and raised it high to the statue. "O great Quetzalcóatl, wise creator of all life, please accept my humble sacrifice," he prayed. He quickly stabbed the sharp spine into his elbow, which began to bleed copiously. He pierced his knee and again drew blood. It is my privilege and responsibility as a noble to give blood to appease the gods. This will satisfy them more than sacrificing a desperate man.
From Chapter 53
...Franklin stood in the center of the small cavern and turned in a circle, as if trying to catch a scent. He headed for the back of the room to a pile of rubble. The rest of the group followed.
"What's this?" asked Troy.
"It looks like maybe there was another opening here, but it's filled up with rocks and pebbles," suggested Angela.
Franklin began grabbing handfuls of pebbles and tossing them aside. The others joined in, pulling away the larger rocks to reveal a slit in the wall.
Nancy groaned. "Not another room!"
They continued to clear the opening until it was just big enough to squeeze through. Franklin went in first.
As each of the archaeologists broke through the opening, they focused on an object on the floor.
Nancy's eyes opened wide. "Is that what I think it is?"
Interested in Chronicle of the Mound Builders? Pick up your copy today!
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